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Product Code: FR1906
Availability: 2-3 Ngày

Rose apple, also known as "Chomphu" or "Champoo" in Thailand, "Jambu" in Malaysia, and "Chom-pu-pa" in Vietnam, is native to Southeast Asia. It is believed to have originated in the region encompassing Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Rose apple trees (Syzygium jambos) are now cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide due to the fruit's popularity and adaptability to various climates. The fruit is prized for its refreshing taste, crisp texture, and delicate aroma, making it a cherished part of Southeast Asian cuisines and a beloved tropical fruit globally.

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The scientific name of rose apple is Syzygium jambos.

Vietnamese rose apples are prized for their delightful flavor, crisp texture, and refreshing qualities, making them a beloved fruit in Vietnamese culture and cuisine. Rose apples hold cultural significance in Vietnam, often enjoyed during hot summer days for their refreshing taste. They are also appreciated for their health benefits and are included in traditional Vietnamese cuisine.

In Vietnam, rose apple, known locally as "Chom-pu-pa" or "Mận nước", typically have a round or slightly pear-shaped appearance. The skin is smooth, thin, and can range in color from green to red, depending on the variety and ripeness. The flesh inside is usually white or slightly pinkish. Rose apples in Vietnam have a crisp and crunchy texture, akin to an apple or Asian pear. The flesh is juicy and succulent, offering a refreshing bite. The flavor of Vietnamese rose apples is mildly sweet with subtle floral undertones. It's refreshing, reminiscent of a watermelon or pear, and has a hint of tartness. While not as strong as some other tropical fruits, Vietnamese rose apples emit a delicate and mildly sweet aroma with hints of floral notes.

Here are the approximate nutrition facts for 100 grams of raw rose apple:

  • Calories: 25 kcal
  • Protein: 0.6 grams
  • Fat: 0.1 grams
  • Saturated Fat: 0 grams
  • Monounsaturated Fat: 0 grams
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 0 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 5.4 grams
  • Dietary Fiber: 1.6 grams
  • Sugars: 4.3 grams
  • Vitamin C: 22.3 milligrams (37% of the Daily Value)
  • Vitamin A: 8 micrograms (1% of the Daily Value)
  • Potassium: 123 milligrams (4% of the Daily Value)
  • Calcium: 6 milligrams (1% of the Daily Value)
  • Iron: 0.1 milligrams (1% of the Daily Value)

Vkoill Group specialize in exporting premium quality fresh rose apple from Vietnam to international markets with the high commitment of the stable and consistent on quality and supply.

Fresh Rose Apple that provided by Vkoill Brand maintain these advantages:
– Quality: Rose apples for export are carefully selected to ensure premium quality and optimal freshness upon arrival at destination markets. Only the finest, ripe rose apples with desirable flavor and texture are chosen for export, meeting stringent quality standards.

– Appearance: Rose apples typically have a round or slightly pear-shaped appearance with smooth, thin skin. The skin color can vary from green to red, depending on the variety and ripeness. Each fruit is visually inspected to ensure uniformity in size, color, and appearance, enhancing its marketability.

– Flavor and Aroma: Rose apples offer a mildly sweet flavor with subtle floral undertones, accompanied by a refreshing and slightly tart taste. The aroma is delicate and mildly sweet, adding to the overall sensory experience of consuming rose apples.

– Texture: Rose apples have a crisp and crunchy texture, similar to an apple or Asian pear. The flesh is juicy and succulent, providing a satisfying eating experience. Ripe rose apples are firm to the touch, indicating freshness.

– Shelf Life: Rose apples have a relatively short shelf life compared to some other fruits. Proper handling and storage are essential to maintain freshness and extend shelf life during transit and at destination markets. Cold chain logistics may be employed to preserve quality.

– Packaging: Fresh rose apples for export are typically packed in sturdy, ventilated containers or cartons to prevent bruising and damage during transit. Packaging may include cushioning materials to protect the fruits and maintain their appearance and quality.

– Handling: Careful handling practices are crucial to minimize damage to rose apples during harvesting, packing, and transportation. Gentle handling helps preserve the fruit's integrity, ensuring it reaches consumers in optimal condition.



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